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A few weeks back, I bought a plant in a kinda-sketchy Craigslist deal…


Yeah, I know that’s probably not what you were expecting to read when opening this email, but it’s true! When I saw this Swiss Cheese plant, I knew it would be a great new addition to my office.


But this email isn’t about the plant so much as what happened as a result of buying the plant. When I met up with the now previous owner, Lova (Low-Va), we got to connect beyond plants and got to talk about Jesus and questions of faith. I spent the next 30 minutes with him as we wrestled through some of his past faith experiences, the point of the Gospel and why Jesus, my testimony, and how moments like these aren’t coincidences.


I learned quickly that I wasn’t there for the plant as much as I was there to help Lova get planted in Jesus! Well, I’m grateful to share here that Lova made that decision! Right there in the middle of the Arizona Mills parking lot. Praise God! All because of Craigslist and a Swiss Cheese plant. Who would’ve thought? 


As I left my time with Lova, new plant in hand, I couldn’t help but think of some ways I could be a better resource to people I get to connect with like this in the future. Though I’m now helping him find a local church community for him to plug into, I felt like there was something I could offer.  


*cue a really cool thing*

With people like Lova in mind, I created a super simple and easy to use Gospel of John 31-Day SOAP Bible Study resource! This is designed to help you get in God’s Word, engaging with God’s Word, and applying God’s Word to your life!

So whether you want an easy Bible study for yourself, are mentoring someone and want an easy resource to guide some convos, or need a tool as you help people know and follow Jesus, I invite you to use and share this one!


And if you do, I’d love to hear how it goes! 🙂 

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