Resolutions (Blog Head)


This year, quite literally unlike any other before many of our lifetimes, has been… interesting.
Whether you call yourself a leader or you have a leadership title or not, the reality is that we all have had a year of:
  • Making decisions (some harder than others)
  • Engaging with others
  • Managing priorities and shifting urgencies
  • Wrestling with disappointment and discontentment
  • Having to say “no”; or for some, having to say “yes”
  • Keeping a clear focus on what you’re committed to
  • Communicating clearly, effectively, and purposefully
  • Finding hope in the midst of chaos
No matter how skilled a leader you are, each of these can take a toll on our souls. Some more than others, and others not so much.
In a year that in some way or another has had an impact on our hearts, I believe more than any other year, that it is necessary to consider our hearts. I love what the writer of Proverbs says in Proverbs 4:23: “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” For leaders this year, I believe this may look like intentional time pausing and taking inventory of our inner selves.

Before you jump into another year and set another new years resolution, before you establish your goals and create your plan for tackling them, I want to invite you to take some time to spend reflecting and evaluating from the questions below. 

Give yourself the permission necessary to contemplate this previous year, to consider the contents present (or hidden) within your heart and mind, and to begin to construct a readiness for all that this next year has in store. Ready? Let’s go! 


  1. Reflecting back on this year, is there anything weighing heavily on my heart? Are there places that I’ve hidden how I really feel because of it? How so?
  2. When challenge and difficulty come, do I tend to be more proactive or reactive? How so? Is there a certain attitude or mindset that I adopt in those situations?
  3. What characteristics (positive or negative) have I seen increase in myself? Knowing that, what do I want to do about it going into this year?
  4. Am I quick to exercise grace and compassion to both myself and others? In what ways do I typically demonstrate that?
  5. Do my relationships have a deeper and more intentional purpose to them or a shallow and disengaged presence to them? What does this mean to me? What places do I have influence over to adjust, clarify, or change?
  6. Is my attitude about my life and the direction I am heading either more or less optimistic?
  7. In what ways have I grown this year (positive or negative)? What habits do I attribute to my growth?
  8. Would people describe me as more or less joyful and grateful than I was a year ago?
  9. Is my confidence in God greater, lesser, or the same today as it was a year ago? In what ways? What does that mean to me as a result?
By no means is this list complete, but it is a great start! Without pausing to think, process, and evaluate our inner selves, we limit our future potential. A clear heart and mind leads to clear goals and plans. Do the work necessary to pause, reflect and prepare well.
If you get stuck on achieving your resolutions, consider my S.M.A.R.T. Goal Framework tool to help you give them life!
I’d love to hear from you! Are there additional questions you would add to the list or that you’re pondering ahead of this new year? Drop it in the comments below or email me at!

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